• chicos, aca les adjunto  las foto y datos de mi placa de video, estuve charlando con past, y queria saber si alguien tenia mas info sobre esta placa, la tengo conectada a un lcd, y puedo ver el workbench perfectamente ,el tema es si voy a poder ver juegos y aplicaciones nativas de amiga, en el link ese se habla de un patch, alguien sabe algo?

    "The Cybervision PPC is designed to connect to the local PCI expansion bus found on the Cyberstorm PPC, and Cyberstorm Mk-III accelerators. It is one of the most powerful native graphics cards for the Amiga and has a pixel clock of 230Mhz (8bit), 230Mhz (16bit), 145Mhz (24bit) and 100Mhz (32bit). It has hardware support for 80 million textured pixels/sec. Hardware functions for Z-Buffering, Gouraud Shading, Fogging, Blending and Anti-Aliasing. It also has a special connector for the use of 3D glasses which allow you to see "life-like" 3D. The card is rather an odd shape, sort of rectangular but being tapered at one edge. It has two connectors on it to attach it to the PPC board. Which one you use depends on whether it is going in an A3000 or A4000. Note, you can not use draggable screens with this card, even if you have that option selected within CyberGraphX, and there is also no provision for a scandoubler, flickerfixer or passing native video. It does however have support for "patching" the system to allow it to display the native graphics. "
    Chipset(s) TVP 4020GFN (Permedia 2)
    Graphics Memory 8MB (64bit SGRAM, 800MB/sec)
    8bit Support:  Yes
    16bit Support:  Yes
    24bit Support:  Yes
    Display Drivers  
    CyberGraphX V2:  No
    CyberGraphX V3:  Yes
    CyberGraphX V4:  Yes
    Picasso 96:  No
    EGS:  No
    Other:  No

    Cybervisppc 3 Sm

  • 15 años atrás

    Para poder jugar a los juegos, necesitas algun programa tipo el NewPromote o similar (en Aminet hay varios), porque los juegos se manejan de manera muy particular...no estan programados como el Workbench

    De todos modos, si tu intencion es usar la maquina para jugar y para laburo serio, por que no tener el monitor de amiga para los juegos y el LCD para aplicaciones "serias"??

    No conozco la existencia de ningun patch, a menos que a los programas como NewPromote se los llame asi....

    Edit: veo que no soporta Picasso 96...que macana che....pero bueno, igual es una flor de placa!!!!!!


Moderador (s): homecomputer, Selandari, elpiloto, pastbytes, Durandal